My dear students, gather around. I would love to share with you this story and this video…..
It is really interesting! Go ahead!
You are going to create two mind maps, the first one is about the storytelling structure in one famous storytelling, choose whatever you want…..Read this information and apply it, by using this page:
Choose pictures, explanations and part of your favourite story.
Choose pictures, explanations and part of your favourite story.
Plot refers to the series of events that
give a story its meaning and effect. In most stories, these events arise out of
conflict experienced by the main character. The conflict may come from
something external, like a dragon or an overbearing mother, or it may stem from an internal issue, such
as jealousy, loss of identity, or
Character refers to a textual representation
of a human being
occasionally another creature). Most fiction writers agree that character development
is the key element in a story's creation, and in most pieces of fiction a close
identification with the characters is crucial to understanding the story.
Conflict the elements that work against the main
character's goals
Theme The controlling idea or central insight that the author is
trying to get across.
Setting quite simply, is the story’s time
and place. While setting includes simple attributes such as climate or wall décor, it can also
include complex dimensions such as the historical moment the story occupies or
its social context.
The structure point could be the simplicity of a picture book in terms
narrative structure, visual appeal and often fable-like brevity might seem to
suggest that it is indeed ideally suited
to a juvenile readership. It’s about showing and telling, a window for learning
to ‘read’ in a broad sense, exploring relationships between words, pictures and
the world we experience every day.
The second one is about just the storytelling structure, the mindmap you are going to create is in:
I invite you to read extra information